The Maas Brothers Powder Coating Difference Our Process and Commitment

Consistency Matters

Parts not delivered as promised or on time? Too many rejects?

Our disciplined onboarding process means we take the time to ensure that we run your parts in the best possible way to provide the consistent coating quality you need.

How We Avoid Rejected Parts: The ABC's

Icon A: Ask Questions

Ask Questions

Invest time upfront to understand the unique coating needs of each job.

Icon B: Be Determined

Be Determined

Test sample parts until the process recipe is right, which may include creating custom fixtures.

Icon C: Catch and Fix Issues Early

Catch (and Fix) Issues Quickly

Deploy multiple QA checkpoints, from part prep to final packaging.

Outgrowing your current powder coater's capabilties?

We Grow With You

Large runs. Smaller runs. Prototypes, too!

Often the final step in production, we know that powder coating is critical to you delivering your finished products to your customers so that you can get paid and stay on schedule. We take this responsibility very seriously, regardless of run size. Consider Maas Brothers an extension of your team. We keep our promises so you can keep yours. Count on it!

Kevin and Kraig Maas
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